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Alena A / shutterstock.com

School Begs Parents To Reign in Kids After Supermarket Is Destroyed

On February 5th, Medway Middle School in Medway, MA, sent letters home seeking help following the terror a dozen or so students raged in...
Duet PandG / shutterstock.com

Newest Must-Have Fashion Accessory in the Bay Area: A Carabiner

Police in the San Francisco Bay Area have a new fashion recommendation for ladies going grocery shopping. Take a mountain climbing carabiner with you!...
chrisdorney / shutterstock.com

Just in Time for Elections, Biden’s ATF Wants Your Gun Rights

A new report from the nonpartisan watchdog Empower Oversight indicates the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is penning a rule to...
Joshua Resnick / shutterstock.com

DC Teen Gets 5 Years for Vicious Stabbing Death of “Friend” Over Nuggets Sauce

During sentencing on January 31st, prosecutors talked about the lack of empathy and remorse felt by the killer of 16-year-old Naima Liggon. Stabbing and...
Baciu Alexandru Tudor / shutterstock.com

One AZ Border Sector Picking Up the Lions’ Share of Illegals

Of all the southwest Border Patrol sectors, the Tucson, AZ sector leads the way in migrant apprehensions. In just the first four weeks of...
Michael Vi / shutterstock.com

As Recruiting Crisis Continues, US Military Lowers Standards Again

If you didn’t already know, the US military has been struggling for the last few years. Well, decades, really. Basically, they are struggling to...
Maria Sbytova / shutterstock.com

Carjacker Abandons Toddler Found in Stolen Car

Criminals are often regarded as being some of the meanest and ignorant people you’ll ever come across. This theory seems to apply to carjackers...

Pelosi, AOC, and More Hit With Ethics Complaint

We’ve all known for quite some time that the Democrats’ motto seems to be the ever-constant "rules for thee but not for me.” As...
WESTOCK PRODUCTIONS / shutterstock.com

The Push for Mask Mandates is Happening All Over Again

If you read the headline and got flashbacks from 2020 and 2021 with regards to COVID, so did we. Watch now to see what city...

Quiz: Are You All About Climate Change?

How eco-friendly are you? Do you believe in climate change? Put your knowledge to the test with this quiz: Can't see the quiz? Click here.